Friday, 21 June 2013

Calderdale Calls on Businesses to help Reduce Environmental Impact of the City

Climate change is a significant concern being addressed globally, nationally and locally and something that we can no longer ignore. The UK government recently passed legislation which introduced the world’s first long term legally binding framework to tackle the dangers of climate change. The UK Climate Change Act 2008 sets legally binding emission reduction targets for 2020 (reduction of 34% in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels) and for 2050 (reduction of at least 80% in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels), and introduces five-yearly carbon budgets to help ensure those targets are met.

“The economic consequences of a warming world will be severe, but there's still time to lessen them”

Jonathon Porritt, Forum for the Future

Not just for Big Business…

With such big targets to meet, small and medium businesses (SME’s) may be thinking how can their business contribute to such reductions? SMEs represent a high proportion of business activity and innovation in the UK with private sector SMEs accounting for 99.9 per cent of the estimated 4.8 million businesses in the UK. Collectively SME’s can make a huge contribution to the reduction of the UKs carbon footprint.

·         ·There are an estimated 4.8 million businesses in the UK

·         SMEs account for 99.9% of all private sector businesses in the UK

Department for Innovation and Skills

With an ever increasing focus on corporate social responsibility, clients often require businesses to demonstrate they are minimising the negative effects of their operations on the environment. Consumers are becoming more conscious of their purchasing decisions with regard to environmental impact and this is also driving the demand for greener business practices. It’s not just the environmental climate that is changing but the business one too. Early adopters that take action now will enable their business to gain competitive edge in their market sectors. One only needs to look at the success of Marks & Spencer’s ‘Plan A’ to see how business can reap the benefits of reducing their environmental impact. The benefits of taking early action, such as reducing energy consumption in buildings to reduce emissions to combat climate change, far outweigh the costs.

For UK business, climate change is no longer a threat to be feared but an opportunity to grow the economy and lead the world. The CBI has long promoted the benefits of business energy efficiency in reducing carbon emissions, improving energy security and providing bottom line benefits

CBI Website, 2013

So we all know we should be doing that little bit more but many are unsure of how to go about it. Calderdale Council in collaboration with Leeds Metropolitan University and Room4 Consulting are holding a FREE event Reducing your Environmental Impact” to help SMEs in the area reduce their environmental impact. In addition the council have also set up “The Business Energy Pledge(aimed at all business big or small in the Calderdale area), which is a free accreditation and advice scheme for businesses and organisations.

Why Attend/Join?

In line with the national aim, Calderdale has a target of reducing emissions of CO2 by 40% by 2020. Both of these initiatives are an opportunity for businesses to contribute to that aim whilst improving profitability.

Two previous seminars for Reducing your Environmental Impact have already taken place both of which were highly successful with those who attended very happy with the support provided.

“Informative and extremely useful”

“Very informative. It has raised awareness of environmental impacts at work and is helping our management planning for environmental issues”

“An excellent summary on how to reduce environmental impacts”

Take this opportunity to start reducing your environmental impact now and in addition make your business more profitable and sustainable in the long run. As the well known saying goes “every little helps…”.

For details of the events and to register your free place click here:

Reducing Your Environmental Impact:

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